SWT running on Swing

Screenshot Gallery


Eclipse Java SDK 3.2

Eclipse main screens with plenty of views.

Project properties main screen.

Eclipse Running on OS/2 with SWTSwing and Java 1.4.


Azureus, the famous BitTorrent client.

Main screen with some files to download and upload.

Warning window.


RSSOwl, the famous RSS feed reader.

Main application window.

Miscelaneous Applications

ASM (Animal Shelter Manager)

It is a SwingWT application now able to run on true Swing.

SWT Image Analyzer application example.

SWT Paint application example.

Testing tools

The snippet launcher is a tool demonstrating the current state of the SWTSwing implementation. It allows to launch any of the 200+ SWT code snippets produced by the SWT team.

This tool is part of every SWTSwing release.


Text field, with input template.

Spinner, with decimals.

Tool bar, with standard items and a combo box.

Buttons, placed with a grid layout.

A group with radio buttons, using a background image.

Progress bar, used in a splash screen.

Styled text, demonstrasting various styles.

Styled text, embedding components.

CTabFolder, with a visible menu.


Colors, with RGB or HSB.

Transformations, paths and alpha blending.

Matrix transformations.

Lines with different cap and join styles.