SWT running on Swing

Current version: 3.2.0005 - beta (2007/08/20)

August 20, 2007: Finally a release! The version 3.2.0005 is out and really is far beyond the previous one, with about 90% of SWT 3.2 implemented (was 72%). It also supports older JREs (1.4+) to a certain extent, which allows some SWT applications to run on OS/2 for example.

I believe now the work will focus on moving to SWT 3.3, and implementing the "10%" that remain.

What is SWTSwing?

SWTSwing is a port of the SWT graphical toolkit to Swing. It brings portability, a bridge between Swing and SWT components, look and feel support and much more!

Go to www.eclipse.org to find more information about SWT.


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Binaries and Sources


Powered by SWTSwing

  • EOS: runs RCP applications, including the Eclipse IDE, on Swing
  • Eclipse OS/2 Enabler: brings Eclipse to OS/2 users
  • SwingWT: uses SWTSwing to run on platforms with no SWT support